Bunny Lines Treatment in London

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the causes and signs of bunny lines and explore an effective treatment option using anti-wrinkle injections, available at our clinic in London under the expertise of Una Jefford. Bunny lines, a colloquial term for the fine lines that appear on the nose when a person smiles or scrunches their face, can be a common concern for individuals seeking a smoother and more youthful appearance. 

bunny line

Bunny Lines Treatment in London

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the causes and signs of bunny lines and explore an effective treatment option using anti-wrinkle injections, available at our clinic in London under the expertise of Una Jefford. Bunny lines, a colloquial term for the fine lines that appear on the nose when a person smiles or scrunches their face, can be a common concern for individuals seeking a smoother and more youthful appearance. 

Table of Contents

Causes of Bunny Lines

Bunny lines are primarily caused by the repeated contraction of the muscles around the nose. As we age, our skin loses collagen and elasticity, making it more prone to developing lines and wrinkles. The habitual use of facial expressions, such as smiling or squinting, can lead to the formation of these lines over time. Additionally, genetic factors, sun exposure, and environmental elements can contribute to the development of bunny lines.

Signs of Bunny Lines

The signs of bunny lines are most noticeable when a person smiles or engages in facial expressions that involve the nose. These lines appear as fine wrinkles on either side of the nose, resembling the twitch of a bunny’s nose, hence the term “Bunny Lines.” While they are a natural part of ageing, some individuals may find them bothersome and seek ways to minimise their appearance.

Bunny Lines treatment with Anti-Wrinkle Injections

At our aesthetic clinic in London, we offer an effective solution to address bunny lines through anti-wrinkle injections administered by the skilled hands of Una Jefford. As a renowned practitioner with a wealth of experience in cosmetic dermatology, Una Jefford specialises in providing natural-looking results while ensuring patient safety and satisfaction.

Anti-wrinkle injections, commonly containing botulinum toxin, work by temporarily relaxing the muscles responsible for the formation of bunny lines. By inhibiting muscle contractions, these injections smooth out the wrinkles and create a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Una Jefford’s personalised approach involves a thorough consultation to understand each patient’s unique facial anatomy and tailor the treatment accordingly.

What to expect at a bunny lines treatment session

When you arrive for your appointment, Úna will first discuss the treatment plan and may apply a topical numbing cream to the injection sites. She will then use a fine needle to inject small amounts of Botox into the muscles around the sides of your nose. This typically requires multiple injection sites to target the nasalis muscle responsible for bunny lines.

You may experience some mild stinging or discomfort during the injections, but this is usually minimal. Afterwards, you may have some swelling or bruising in the treated area, but this should subside within a day or two. It can take 3-4 days to start seeing the results of the Botox, with the full effects visible within 2 weeks. The results typically last 4-6 months before the Botox wears off and the wrinkles gradually return appearance. Úna understands each patient’s unique facial anatomy and will tailor the treatment accordingly.

Meet your Practitioner, Úna Jefford

Úna, the founder of Dermal Health, combines extensive medical knowledge with a continual pursuit of the latest trends in the aesthetics industry. She holds an MSc in Clinical Dermatology and achieved first-class honours in Adult Nursing, along with postgraduate certificates in minor-op skin surgery, and is a registered Independent Prescriber.

Known for her warm and personal approach, Úna currently runs a weekly minor-op clinic in NHS dermatology departments.
Contributing to the clinic’s growing London reputation, she brings warmth and an expert level of personal service to her London clinics.

Una Jefford